Notable Quotable:

Notable Quotable:

Remember, folks: whenever a woman says "die for me because you are a man," just look her in the eye and say "my body, my choice."

Monday, October 7, 2013

Take your blood pressure meds before you read this

I'm re-publishing three stories from A Voice for Men, about a news item that was pulled by the local TV station - the suicide of a teenage boy. I don't know if the MSM has picked it back up, but it needs to be told and re-told. I'm absolutely sickened.


  1. Me too, Suz. So many stories in the things the MHRM deals with. I had begun to think I was losing my heart because I had numbed to some of the pain that finds its way in front of me. I was wrong. I wept over this one more than once. I hate that I cannot drag Micheal Campbell from his office by his collar and shove him directly into the unemployment line.

  2. Sadly, this is happening all over and it is a major problem. I refused to charge kids that way when I was a cop. You need more than a prank to label someone for the rest of their lives. Makes no damn sense.


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