Notable Quotable:

Notable Quotable:

Remember, folks: whenever a woman says "die for me because you are a man," just look her in the eye and say "my body, my choice."

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

He Got The Call

The Big Airline called Better Half this afternoon, and offered him his old job back.  It's been almost 9 years.  He will probably report to the East Coast near the end of December.  What with his probationary period, then buying a house, I should probably be able to (just barely) finish out the school year next spring on the bookmobile.

Helloooooo flight benefits!

(Not that we'll be visiting Lance Criminal any time soon - he expects to deploy early next year.  He just joined his new unit last week.)


  1. East Coast? Hope you will be close to Atlanta.

  2. Northern Virginia. He bid on Charlotte too, but we knew that was too much to hope for...

  3. Congrats. I hope things work out for the best.

  4. Congratulations to him!

    Oh.... and I blog rolled you. Have no idea why it took me so long to do... I'm an idiot at times.

  5. Reading one a day means we'll only meet up about 3 times a year :(


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