Notable Quotable:

Notable Quotable:

Remember, folks: whenever a woman says "die for me because you are a man," just look her in the eye and say "my body, my choice."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ta-Da!!! I Am SUCH a Rebel!

My first political t-shirt.  If you want one, contact Sean.

(Just in case you can't read it: "Am I the only person on the planet that didn't get guns from the ATF?")
To be clear, I'm not anti-Law Enforcement.  Most of you know that my dad's a retired cop who taught criminal justice, and my sister is a Fed.  I am pro- Law Enforcement, not law-breaking.  There is a special place in hell for cops who blatantly break the law, shame the profession, and get other cops killed.  

I'll be wearing this to the county fair this week.  Should I ask SisterFed to give me a heads-up if my name shows up on the terrorist watch list?  Y'all know how dangerous I am, advocating for my constitutional rights and wishing I could take them for granted.

Oh!  And just so you know I'm still the same old Suz behind the ideology:  Not a bad hair day, eh?  And look!  I've lost 10 pound in the last two  months; my gut is markedly smaller than my boobs!  YAY!


  1. You look good to me, but an AK47???

  2. Seems like a major threat to Homeland Security to me!

  3. I suspect the AK47's a bit too much gun for me, but I do pretty well with my .357 magnum!

  4. Your boobs look great, but that may be because they are sporting a AK47! Unfair advantage!! LOL!

  5. That shirt is hilarious--thanks for the laugh Suz.


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