Just a quick update. Things are picking up in the real world around here. A week or so ago (I'm losing track...) I logged on to Lending Tree and Quicken Loans to look into mortgage pre-approval. That was at 6:00 am. I got my first phone call at 8:30, and came home from work to find a dozen voicemails. WolfAlpha still needs to call the credit union and see what they have to offer. When these guys say they compete, they're not kidding - loan fees range from 1% of the loan amount to ZERO! (and since we're going VA, the interest rates don't vary much.)
WolfAlpha didn't come home this past week, instead he drove to a couple of houses on our list. So far it's a bit discouraging. The nicer houses in our price range are a solid hour away from the airport. He's getting a bit old for that long commute, but it's probably unavoidable. How pathetic are we? We're both feeling overwhelmed, and encouraging each other over the phone. We're doing OK really, limping along, but we want this to be over!
I got some comic relief from Maxine though. She can't believe I'm "letting" him house hunt without me. The plan is for him to schedule a viewing of the best prospects for a few weeks from now, I'll fly out for a weekend, we'll make an offer, and he will sign everything with power of attorney. Maxine thinks I should be out there every weekend looking at houses - how can I trust him to know what I want? What about the community? The shopping? Please. What either of us "wants" has never been much of an issue. We don't want the debt load that comes with what we "want;" we'll be happy to get what we need. Community? We'll either be in a smallish town or out in the country. And shopping? I've lived in Hooterville for 16 years after growing up half an hour from Woodfield Mall. Remember Woodfield? In Schaumburg? Yeah, that place - it used to be a big fat hairy deal! It would be an understatement to say that I've grown accustomed to compromise, and we're moving to within an hour of some of the best shopping on this planet!!! How much control do I really need in this process? How much can I control?
In other (TOTALLY FREAKIN' AWESOME) news, WolfAlpha received that "signing bonus" for which we though he was ineligible! And he celebrated by buying me Fanny May Trinidads and some, um, "sleepwear." After a year and a half, it's finally starting to sink in that I no longer have to wear frumpy, modest PJs because I'm raising a son! And incidentally, Lance Criminal is doing well. He was restricted from the internet for a while because he committed a minor no-no, so I hadn't heard from him for a few weeks. He "got to meet the Colonel," but his record is still officially "clean." Live and learn.
We think we want to defeat men, because that’s what we’ve been taught, yet we’re miserable when we succeed. This is why we go for “alphas” and end up with jerks. THEY DISPLAY POWER. In jerks, that power is a false front; they don’t dominate, they domineer. Because that’s all they’ve got. We’re looking for strong benevolent domination (a man who will sacrifice to preserve and protect what he possesses) and at first glance domination and domineering look similar. We see a power display and it blows our circuits. We tolerate any degradation for it, deluding ourselves and hoping that it might be the real deal. We’d rather die than admit that we need to be “owned,” because that’s not permitted by feminism, but we can’t stop ourselves from trawling for domineering assholes and hoping to pick up a “real man” among them. Our need for a dominant mate runs far deeper than cultural norms and social engineering.
Feminism, combined with the low-risk lifestyle afforded by surplus resources, has neutered men and taught them to be weak. In this environment women CAN “defeat” men, and we’re taught that we are supposed to, so we do. We consciously devote ourselves to dominating men, yet on a visceral level we despise men who can be dominated. Since the option of acting like real women is socially unacceptable, we try to achieve satisfaction by being the best damn non-women we can be. It never occurs to most of us that we’d be happy if we turned our backs on society and lived as we were designed to. We just keep forging ahead in the wrong direction—the hamster on speed. Women are frequently domineering (we rarely have what it takes to dominate much of anything) but this is almost always a matter of shit testing. Again, we can’t admit this, so we say we’re just acting like strong modern women, but what would really satisfy us (unbeknownst to us) is a man who can override our attempts at dominance, and dominate US.
And what “real man” has the opportunity to display his masculinity in the modern world? There are no dragons to slay, and sensible men don’t waste their energy posturing. Deeply “male” prowess has become recreational (except in the acquisition of money.) Hunting, fighting and competition are leisure activities, and we deride them as frivolous. The exception here is among military, cops and firefighters. Women absolutely drool over professional he-men because like assholes, those men act powerful. We fall for false (or real) displays of power EVERY TIME, because we need powerful men. PUAs know this and use it to their advantage, easily dazzling us. We’re stupid that way. The fact that we chase posturing pricks is all the proof you need that we’re lying through our teeth when we say we want “subservient” men. What we really want is strong men who have the courage to whip out their dicks and show us they’ve got what it takes to keep us safe. Honorable men who actually do have “what it takes” usually obey the rules though, so they hesitate and lose out. “Bad boys” never hesitate; they don’t care about having what it takes because they have no desire to protect or preserve anything but themselves. They just want to get laid. They don’t even have to me misogynistic; they want what they want and we’re giving it away. No harm, no foul.
“Whipping it out” is the only time-tested way to win a woman’s devotion. And yes, we are as capable of devotion as men are. That devotion will last a lifetime if the man is genuinely dominant, not just domineering. Social engineering cannot override biology.
We want the fairy tale; we were raised to believe we deserve it. We need strong men. We are unhappy with men we perceive as weak. We beat them down and discard them. If we wanted weak men, we’d keep them once we had them under our thumbs. Instead we dump them to chase “strong” men. We’ve been demanding more power for decades, yet the more power we get the unhappier we become. And since we Grrrlz can’t possibly be mistaken, we blame men.
When the feminists decided that “equality” wasn’t enough, they needed ways to control men; one of their tools was to demand that men stop acting powerful. Men, long in the habit of accommodating female foolishness, acquiesced. Most men didn’t see the long term harm in it, and “it’s barbaric,” or “it’s no longer necessary because we’re so civilized,” sounded rational. Because of this, displays of genuine masculine power are rare. Since women are desperate for powerful, high status men, we’ll take anything that remotely resembles male power, even when we know it’s probably fake. We’re drawn to it instinctively. This is why Game works consistently. Game is a display of power, whether that power is real or fake. It’s a useful tool that good men dropped when they were ordered to, figuring they could rely on their “goodness” to attract women. Assholes didn’t drop it, and for the most part, they’re the only ones still using it. And they’re getting the women.
Men have three choices: continue on as victims, go their own way until society implodes, or manipulate individual women, one on one, into embracing our natural role and rejecting our indoctrination. That last one is difficult and uncommon, but it’s possible, for a man who wants a family. Men, women and children, like dogs, can usually be trained. Ask any happily married man who uses Game to keep his wife in line, er, happy.